Email Asteroid

AI written, as if an asteroid was to destroy Earth while writing the email

Subject: Important 2023 CVSA International Roadcheck Info – May 16-18 (and a concerning sight…)

I hope this email finds you well. Before I delve into the details of the upcoming Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) annual International Roadcheck, scheduled for May 16-18, 2023, I must mention that as I write this email, I can’t help but notice a strange sight out my window – it appears to be an asteroid hurtling towards Earth. I’m slightly distracted by this phenomenon, but my commitment to keeping you informed remains steadfast.

The International Roadcheck is the largest targeted enforcement program on commercial motor vehicles worldwide. Nearly 15 trucks or buses are inspected every minute across North America during the 72-hour period. In 2022, 59,026 inspections were conducted, resulting in 12,456 commercial motor vehicles and 3,714 commercial motor vehicle drivers being placed out of service.

As the asteroid seems to be approaching, I can’t shake a growing sense of unease. Nonetheless, I must share crucial information about the different inspection levels:

  1. Level I Inspections – A comprehensive 37-step process checking the driver’s operating credentials, requirements, and the vehicle’s mechanical fitness and regulatory compliance.
  2. Level II Inspections – A review of the driver’s operating credentials and requirements, including only vehicle inspection items that can be inspected without physically getting under the vehicle.
  3. Level III Inspections – An examination of the driver’s credentials and operating requirements.
  4. Level V Inspections – A thorough check of vehicle inspection items that can be conducted without a driver present, at any location.

Despite my growing preoccupation with the asteroid, I want to help you and your drivers prepare for the International Roadcheck. We recommend the following:

  1. Review your maintenance records and ensure your vehicles are in good working condition.
  2. Ensure all required paperwork and permits are up to date.
  3. Review safety procedures and protocols with your drivers.
  4. Encourage drivers to perform thorough pre-trip inspections.

As I glance nervously at the sky once more, I must emphasize the importance of taking these proactive steps. Doing so can significantly reduce the likelihood of your vehicles or drivers being placed out of service during the International Roadcheck.

In conclusion, I want to acknowledge the potentially impending asteroid threat and suggest we all remain vigilant. In the meantime, please have a pleasant day! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out, assuming normal communication channels remain functional.

Best regards and take care,

Brandon Minert

United Commercial Insurance, LLC